more info on masks
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Your skin has many layers and they all need to be balanced in order to have glowing skin. There's a oil layer (moisture), a water layer (hydration) and a bacteria layer. Over exfolaition or using the wrong products can disrupt these layers and it can cause redness, sensitivity, acne, and dull dry skin. (sound like you?) Even using a wash cloth or brush like an ultrasonic can strip these layers. (plus those things harbor bacteria)
When choosing a mask, think about why you are masking: acne, oil, dry, mature, wrinkles, dark spots, or just that you want a fun spa day! Then look at the package and make sure you have the right one. Avoid artificial fragrance and parabens, as well as carageenan, as they can irritate skin.
Before masking, massage your skin to increase circulation
Please feel free to reach out with any questions!
Airbnb mask (small amount if you don't want the cookies!): good for all skin types and won't clog pores
1 tbsp banana (about 1/4 of a large) mashed: moisturizes, Vitamin C and B6, silica which softens
1 tsp raw oats ground in a coffee grinder: prevents water loss, anti-inflammatory, protects
1 tsp cocoa powder: antioxidant and contains caffeine which stimulates circulation
1/2 tsp Sun butter or almond butter: oils soften and moisturize with oils and vitamin E
1/2 tsp raw honey: milf exfoliant, softens, soothes, anti-bacterial
1/2 tsp chia seeds: Omega 3 fats for skin health, if you massage gently acts a mechanical exfoliant
The first two ingredients are all you need, and the last 3 are optional. If you want to make the cookies and mask, follow the same recipe but multiply it by 4. After you use the amount for the mask, add 2 tablespoons raw whole oats. You can add 1 tablespoon chopped nuts or dried fruit too. Drop onto oiled or parchment lined baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven on 350 for about 15 minutes.
Mask #2: good for oily skin/acne and won't clog pores
1/2 tsp bentonite clay (you can order here or use Aztec Clay from Target) I strongly advise against using the Aztec clay, which is 100% bentonite clay, alone as it is irritating and drying for most skin.
2 tsp raw cocoa powder (try to get organic: Whole Foods carries it)
1/2 tsp lemon juice: acts to balance oil and has lightening properties
1/2 tsp plant based yogurt: replaces beneficial bacteria to skin
1-2 tsp brewed coffee or black tea
1 drop of Tea tree OR Melissa OR Copaiba essential oil
The tea/coffee and essential oils are optional. Make sure the tea/coffee is strong. Add enough to get a frosting consistency.
Cleanse, leave masks on for 10-15 minutes, rinse off with tepid water. After the Mask #2, please make sure you swipe with a toner to remove it completely.
Follow with you fave serum or moisturizer. Enjoy!!